Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring has sprung, or almost.

Spring is definitely in the offing in the midwest.  My helleboros started blooming in early February and the crocuses started early March.

We had several spring like days with sunshine and warm temps last week. 

I ridded a large plant bed of winter debris and weeds.  Then I spread a pre-emergence product to help control weeds.  I know many don't like chemicals, but that is the only way I can stay on top of the weeds with the size of plant beds I have.   Other weeds I pull, hoe, and generally attack are those that grow in my vegetable garden and the thousands of potted plants in the nursery.  My days are filled with potting plants, repotting plants, weeding pots, pruning plants, checking moisture levels, etc. in the nursery, so I need all the help I can get.

Spring maintnence items to add to your gardening calendar include cutting back ornamental grasses. My   blog from last spring demonstrates an easy way to cut ornamental grasses. Check it out.